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- Early access to some videos
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- Early access to some videos
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I specialize in creating educational content for Roblox game development and actively develop games myself. My journey began back in 2011 when I started passionately creating YouTube videos across various channels. However, it was in 2020 that I truly delved into programming. My initial focus was on Java, as I explored the world of Minecraft plugin development.
Fast forward to November 2021, when I stepped into the exciting realm of Roblox game development. Since then, my passion for this platform has been unwavering. Throughout 2022, I dedicated most of my time to learning and honing my skills. I immersed myself in writing scripts using Luau for a diverse range of projects.
As 2022 drew to a close, I felt a strong sense of proficiency. It was then that I decided to explore Roblox projects further, this time using TypeScript. Since 2023, I’ve been completely captivated by Roblox TypeScript, making it my primary language for creating engaging experiences within the Roblox universe. (Yes, I used AI to improve my own writing here :P)
Creator, Educator, & Developer